
@长宁人 区长王岚给您送新年祝福啦!

上海长宁 2021-03-29


New Year’s Speech

长宁区区长 王岚

by Ms. Wang Lan, 

Mayor of Changning District


Dear Comrades and Friends,



Happy New Year! On behalf of Changning District People’s Government,  I would like to take this opportunity to extend best wishes to the people of Changning and all the friends from home and abroad who care about and support the development of Changning.



The year 2020 was extraordinary and unforgettable. Under the firm leadership of CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and CPC Changning District Committee, we have striven to overcome the serious impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have made extraordinary efforts to coordinate disease prevention and control with economic and social development. As a result, we have successfully maintained the momentum of economic and social development and reached new achievements in various fields. 


Looking back to the past year, we made concerted efforts to fight against the pandemic. It was here in Changning that the first confirmed patient in Shanghai was found and cured.  As one of the districts facing the most severe task of preventing imported cases in the city, we built a closed-loop from cabin to home. It was particularly touching that 22 of our health workers rushed to Wuhan at the outbreak of the pandemic at the beginning of the year. The vast number of medical workers and residents in Changning made selfless contributions and continuous efforts to build the shield to protect our community through local prevention and collective control.


We have taken the path of in-depth transformation, actively served the overall situation of reform and development of our country and our city, implemented a new development concept and promoted high-quality development. Our district’s revenue reached a growth in the past year, which was a critical leap for the in-depth transformation. We continue to make progress with Changning characteristics on reform. Changning became the country’s first to issue two licenses on one location, and issued the city’s first license of group registration. We also carried out a pilot program to offer permanent residence to qualified overseas returnees. Changning is always giving high priority to improve the business environment, so that more enterprises and talents would choose to achieve the success and realize the dreams in Changning.


We have meticulously built the foundation of a people’s city to promote people’s lives, and bring high quality and more balanced services in fields like education, public health, elderly care, culture, etc. We have made substantial progress in the pilot program of making local community services available within a 15-minute walk from home. Solid progress has been made in construction of a one-stop online portal for administrative services, which is more convenient and efficient for enterprises and residents. Changning continues to make its urban environment  more livable and leads the way in the city in finishing renovating run-down neighborhoods with shared bathrooms and kitchens. We have cleared overhead cables, making them underground, and linked up different parts of the banks of Suzhou Creek. Indicators show that the air and water quality of Changning have reached record high levels. 


We have made serious plans for the future development, organized and carried out the formulation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, systematically planned and specifically deployed the main tasks of Changning’s economic and social development in the next five years and the long-term goals toward 2035. We have put forward the goal of accelerating the construction of an international community of refinement with global influence, which has become a beautiful vision to unite the strength of the whole district. 


The bell of New Year rings as a clarion call to start again. In 2021, we will thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech by Secretary General Xi Jinping during his visit in Shanghai and at a grand gathering that celebrates the 30th anniversary of the development and opening-up of Pudong, making it the guidance in the overall process and all aspects of our work.



We will focus on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, serve the new development pattern and better coordinate pandemic prevention and control and economic and social development. At the same time, we will continue to ensure stability inemployment, financial operations, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment and expectations and ensure security in jobs, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains and the normal functioning of primary-level government to ensure the steady and far-reaching economic and social development of Changning. 


We will make every effort to promote the construction of an international community of refinement with global influence. We will highlight our advantages and strengths through actively serving the overall situation, accelerate the transformation and development through reform and innovation with determination, and continuously improve people’s livelihoods in the process of deepening social governance. Thus, we can ensure a good beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements! 


In closing, I sincerely wish all of you good health,  prosperity in business and happiness for your family in the new year!







视频:丁   文

编辑:张一帆、李   博





